Motivation and Time Management in Distance Learning


The project DIGIPLAN is a 2 years Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training, with the main focus on Motivation and Time Management in Distance Learning, designed to provide students with attractive educational resources to increase intrinsic motivation and learn effective time management, whilst it will also enable teachers and educators to gain knowledge and experience on the subject, which will allow them to work more effectively with students on increasing motivation and time management by creating an In-Service Training Programme, Handbook and dedicated Online Learning Portal.


Throughout 2 years of project implementation, the Transnational Partnership of DIGIPLAN aims at developing and achieving the following Project Results (PRs) and Outcomes:

· Project Result 1: Self-management resources for students – To create a dedicated framework of competences and a suite of self-management resources with aim of developing motivation and time management. The tools will be directed at education providers to use during their classes with vocational education students.

· Project Result 2: In-Service Training Programme and Handbook for Educators – to create and build with the knowledge to enable the successful use of the self-management toolkit in the teaching process and to develop and pilot the in-service training program and, to ensure the practical skill acquisition in order to effectively use the developed resources.

· Project Result 3: Online Learning Portal – To provide an online learning portal (online course) on which the resources developed will be uploaded with open access for everyone interested in acquiring, improving or deepening motivation and time management in distance learning.

Project results will be measured not only by created resources but primarily by a number of trained professionals and the impact of newly possessed skills on their professional lives, their students, and their environments.
Therefore, the following training activities and outcomes will be achieved by the consortium during the project lifecycle:
1) 12 VET educators will be trained in delivering the In-service training programme during the Short-term joint staff training event (C1);
2) 60 front-line school and vocational educators will have completed the in-service training programme and upgraded their professional competences in the piloting phase of PR2;
3) 480 students, including marginalized youth, will have experienced their learning process enhanced by using the self-management resources in the field of motivation and time management;
4) 120 educators, students, and policy makers will gain awareness of the project results during the Multiplier Events in all partners’ countries;
5) 40 educators, students, and policy makers will attend the final conference in Siauliai, Lithuania.


Initial target groups for dissemination activities inside the project consortium will comprise the following:

1) Staff of the organizations involved in the project consortium;
2) Staff of associated partners who have undertaken to support the development, testing and implementation of the project;
3) VET professionals engaged in the local control groups (Teacher, Educators, etc.);
4) IT professionals participating in the local control groups willing to share their ideas and evaluate the relevance of chosen technologies and created tools;
5) Students interested in testing new self-management tools in their learning routines.

*All of these initial target group members will be formally introduced to the project at the beginning of the project life-cycle and informed about the aims of the project, the actions to be followed and the proposed tools and resources to be produced.


Motivation and Time Management in Distance Learning

This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project No: 2021-1-LT01-KA220-VET-000032923

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